
Southbury Holding strategy is to identify and support “best of the best” enterprises around the world. We employ detailed selection criteria to maximize long-term returns for shareholders and joint venture partners, and do realize investment potential in addition to identifying potential assets that are typically undervalued or underperforming. The stategy is our clue to succes and our partners benefit from it as well as we do.

But the real strength of the overall The Southbury Holding portfolio lies in sector diversity. We have major interests in investment categories ranging from luxury hotels and real estate to media and publishing, entertainment, finance and investment services, social media and technology, consumer and retail, petrochemicals, education, private equities, health care, aviation, – even agriculture. Southbury Holding is among the world’s largest and most diverse investors, with regional and international holdings in many key industries. We are recognized as one of the largest investors in East Asia.

We work in Asia, Europe, America and Russia, as these markets have nearly limitless potential as their economic power grows constantly. Southbury Holding often performs a thorough research of new investing possibilities to be taken into concern. Current holdings shown, do not define the limits of the company’s investment ambitions and capabilities. Contact us, please and our specialists will provide you full overview of Southbury Holding’s diverse and rationale for its confidence in business sectors selected.

An alternative investment is an investment in asset classes other than stocks, bonds, and cash. This is a relatively loose one and includes tangible assets such as precious metals, art, wine, antiques, coins, or stamps and some financial assets such as commodities, private equity, distressed securities, hedge funds, carbon credits, venture capital, film production and financial derivatives. Investments in real estate and forestry are also often termed alternative despite the ancient use of such real assets to enhance and preserve wealth. Our mission is to help you, the individual investor, to meet your financial goals by using our state of the art.